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Saint Peter's Basilica

About St. Joseph's Church

"A great love for God, of the Holy Trinity, will inflame the hearts of the members of the Society. This charity must be such as to naturally engender chastity and poverty, to constantly urge them to the gift of self and generous, and loving obedience."

We are a traditional Catholic community serving the faithful in the San Antonio area since 1972. As a member of the Society of St Pius X (SSPX), we offer the Mass according to the 1962 Missal. We are in full communion with Rome and offer the sacraments validly as they have been offered for generations. We welcome you to our church!


The Society of Saint Pius X is an international priestly society of almost 700 priests. Its main purpose is the formation and support of priests. Society priests serve faithfully in over 70 countries around the world.


As Archbishop Lefebvre wrote in the Statutes:

The Society’s purpose is the priesthood and all that pertains to it and nothing but what concerns it; i.e., the priesthood as Our Lord Jesus Christ willed it when He said, 'Do this for a commemoration of me.' The Society must therefore orient the priest towards—and have him concretize in his daily life what is essentially his raison d’etre: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with all that it means. All that flows from it, and all that complements it.


This work is primarily accomplished at our seminaries, where we follow a traditional Catholic formation. The priests of the SSPX also assist their brother priests around the world learn the traditional Latin Mass, advise them when needed, and help them recover the patrimony of the Catholic Church.


Once the seminarians have finished their formation, they go out into priories working for the apostolate of the faithful. Most of our priests work in chapels, administering the sacraments, guiding souls, and assisting with Catholic schools. In this way, we take seriously the motto "To restore all things in Christ"

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